Ethiopia Preschool
2021 – Ethiopia

We are constantly asked: Why participate in a contest to build a preschool in Ethiopia?

Even with a restricted budget and primitive materials we seek to develop a surprising design! Through architecture we found educational solutions, transmitted by the construction elements. This project helped us find a way to respect and use our surroundings, using architecture to generate possibilities for socializing and teaching.

Educational environments can be either inside and outside of classrooms, but also, these spaces can blend, differing contemporary environments from older ones, limitations between the two, will eventually fade, in order to bring pedagogical improvement.

The excavated courtyard soil is used in the classroom walls. The indoor spaces can be used in multiple programmatic ways: playing, teaching and organizing local community meetings! With decompression areas, playful lessons and bleachers with blackboards, the project proposes low budget possibilities within design.

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Beach House
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Beach House
2014 – Paraty
© Studio Memm 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Design and development by Praia Design