Cipiá Village
2021 – Amazonas

The project for Cipiá Village social space was inspired by traditional indigenous constructions. Studio MEMM in collaboration with MW Arquitetura and Studio ZZ lead conversations with local community, searching for ways to improve the inhabitants daily lives.

The village, which is about 30 km from the center of Manaus and on the left of the Rio Negro, has sustainable ethnotourism as its main activity and already had a Cultural Center and a space to receive tourists and researchers, but it needed to be revitalized.

The goal was to build up a visitor center to host tourists and researchers and show them the local culture. To improve light and ventilation was a necessity that users claimed for solutions. The common indigenous typology was tweaked in order to create better spaces. The light and air solutions were achieved through facade and roof openings, making it a better place for everyday activities.

The roof openings were made to be used manually, the system is activated by ropes. The operation allows light and wind circulation control, adapting to different weather conditions and finally sheltering cultural programs and improving the way the community transmit its culture through generations and also to visitors.

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3D Favela
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3D Favela
2021 – São Paulo
© Studio Memm 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Design and development by Praia Design